Establish the ultimate
hiring workflow with Knockri integrations
Knockri connects seamlessly with your existing hiring
stack so you can find the best candidates fast.
4.75/5 from 100K+ candidates
Improve your talent acquisition process with the click of a button
Link all your tools in one central place
No need to go back and forth between different software. Send assessments, track candidates, and hire from your shortlist from a single dashboard.or accent.
Deliver 1000s of candidate assessments at once
Bulk-invite candidates from your applicant tracking system and smoothly import and export data as needed.
Boost productivity and hire faster
Get time back to focus on your top candidates with our turnkey assessments that blend with your tech stack and neatly shortlist candidates for you.
Connect your Applicant Tracking System
Need a custom integration? We’ll get it done fast.
Security Over Everything
“We trust Knockri's ability to combine the right mix of science and technology to create inclusive assessment experiences with results predictive of success.”
Robert Gibby, Phd SIOP Fellow, Director, People Analytics - Facebook, ex-Chief Talent Scientist, IBM
Yes! Knockri can integrate with any ATS. You will build your assessment in our dashboard and link it to your own internal requisitions. From there, you can continue working with your ATS like you normally would.
No problem! Knockri’s Recruiter Dashboard can fully function as a stand-alone product, meaning you don’t need an ATS to use it.
We help reduce unconscious bias during the hiring process in three specific ways:
- Our magic quadrant research methodology shows that behavioural assessments increase diversity without sacrificing performance prediction in comparison to other assessment types, such as cognitive ability assessments. Although behavioural assessments can be expensive and time-consuming, we’ve automated the process which allows you to use them earlier on in the recruitment process instead of other selection procedures known to negatively impact diversity.
- We reduce recruiter bias by ensuring every candidate gets exactly the same assessment. We found that unstructured interviews allow for human bias to creep its way into the selection process. By using a structured behavioural interview process, we use this automation to ensure that none of your typical bias is present, which gives every candidate a fair chance in the selection process.
- We train our machine learning to score candidates through objective data that has not been subject to human biases. In data science, there is a general understanding of what happens when the data used to train models is biased — garbage in, garbage out. Since machine learning models learn from data that we feed to them, any bias that exists in that data will translate through the use of machine learning. This is why we ensure our machine learning is only taught objective data that hasn’t been subject to human biases, and does not include historical hiring patterns.
We provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all candidates. For inquiries submitted between 9am – 9pm (EST) Monday to Friday, technical issues are resolved within the hour. Outside of those hours, our team will resolve the issue within 3 hours. This includes weekends (Saturday & Sunday).